A key element in moxibustion practice is the moxa stick, which is crafted from mugwort. Unlike
using whole dried mugwort, moxa sticks employ a floss-like material called moxa. There are two
essential advantages of using moxa instead of whole dried mugwort: reduced smoke generation
and the ability to generate mild and comfortable heat.
One crucial factor to consider when picking a moxa stick is its smoke production. Some
products on the market use whole dried mugwort or mix dried mugwort with moxa, leading to a
higher smoke output. However, moxa sticks made exclusively from moxa boast a distinct
advantage in this regard. With their high purity, these sticks produce significantly less smoke
compared to other alternatives. This reduction in smoke not only makes the moxibustion
experience more pleasant but also minimizes potential discomfort or irritation for individuals
sensitive to smoke.
Another factor is about heating: The primary objective of moxibustion is to restore balance and
harmony to the body's energy flow through the application of heat. Consequently, it is crucial to
choose a moxa stick that generates mild and comfortable heat during the moxibustion process.
Unlike the use of whole mugwort, which can sometimes produce intense heat, our moxa sticks
offer a more controlled and moderate heating effect. This gentle warmth allows for a soothing
and relaxing experience, promoting a sense of well-being and facilitating the harmonization of
energy within the body.
Therefore, selecting moxa sticks is essential to maximize the therapeutic benefits and ensure a
pleasant experience. Please take a look at our moxa sticks with other products on the market.
Our moxa stick has less residual mugwort during production, with less smoking and heating is


Organic products

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